How to feel spirituality and meditation???
Commone sance... Spirituality is just to feel every second of life...
Hello I Am treeya my feeling about spirituality..
Meditation & spirituality is become very commone words in 2020 for Covid-19 all of us Suggested to do meditation for not to panic Or very easy to say basically to manage your mind, to stay away from panicness, due to news info..
For covid -19 I can say meditation has become part of us life.
And for that, most of the peoples become specialist in spirituality and meditation.
Now lets know about actual meaning of spirituality & meditation
Spirituality :- is nothing because spirituality is in everything ,its a feeling if you can feel that. In Your every second of life.
Meditation :- it's help us to make Or give a very clear visualisation for anything, besically meditation is for consentration / focus/ Aim and many more....
Spiritual feeling when you will feel your every singel test of your food and you will get all the power of you food that called meditation...
I hope my writing on spirituality & meditation give a clear visualisation on it..
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